Registration-Cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC) is a certificate that validates an exporter dealing with products registered with an agency/ organization that are authorised by the Indian Government. 

The certificate is issued for five years by the Export Promotional Councils or commodity board in India. An exporter desiring to obtain an RCMC has to declare his mainstream business in the application. 

This application would be submitted to the Export Promotion Council/ Commodity.

Board relating to that line of business.

An exporter using an application specified in an ANF 2C register can become a member of EPC(Export Promotion Council). The applicant is granted with the Registration-cum-Membership-Certificate (RCMC) of EPC in the format that is given in Appendix 2R. To register as a manufacturer exporter, the applicant has to furnish evidence for the same. Prospective/potential exporters on the application can register and become an associate member of an EPC.


An individual applying for the following purposes can apply for this certificate.

Authorization to import/ export on restricted items

To seek benefits or concessions under Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) like duty drawback, duty credit scrips, etc.

Certificate of Registration as an Exporter of Spices (CRES) that is issued by the Spices Board will be considered as RCMC and no other RCMC will be applied with any other Export Promotional Councils (EPC).

Validity of RCMC

RCMC is valid from 1st April of the licensing year when it is issued and is valid for five years that ends on 31st March of the licensing year.